Positive Energy Districts European Network | Programma: COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA19126


COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA19126

Europe is set to be a global role model in energy transition. It has made significant progress in building level innovations and is now stepping up efforts towards city-wide transformation with the pioneering concept of Positive Energy Districts (PEDs). The EU's Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) has set out a vision to create 100 PEDs in Europe by 2025. The concept of PEDs is emerging and the knowledge and skills needed for the planning and designing, implementation and monitoring, as well as replication and mainstreaming of PEDs are yet to be advanced. The challenge is cross sectors and domains, thus the solutions can only be found through collective innovation. This COST Action will drive the deployment of PEDs by harmonising, sharing and disseminating knowledge and breakthroughs on PEDs across different stakeholders, domains and sectors at the national and European level. It will establish a PED innovation eco-system to facilitate open sharing of knowledge, exchange of ideas, pooling of resources, experimentation of new methods and co-creation of novel solutions across Europe. Additionally, this COST Action will support the capacity building of new generation PED professionals, Early Career Investigators as well as experienced practitioners. It will mobilise the relevant actors from and across Europe to collectively contribute to the long-term climate neutral goal.

L'Europa mira a diventare un modello della transizione energetica: ha compiuto progressi significativi nelle innovazioni a livello costruttivo e sta ora intensificando gli sforzi verso la trasformazione delle città introducendo il concetto pionieristico di Positive Energy Districts (PED). Il piano strategico europeo per le tecnologie energetiche (SET-Plan) ha definito una visione per creare 100 PED in Europa entro il 2025. COST guiderà la diffusione dei PED armonizzando, condividendo e diffondendo conoscenze sui PED tra le diverse parti interessate, domini e settori a livello nazionale ed europeo. L’Azione COST istituirà un ecosistema di innovazione PED per facilitare la condivisione aperta della conoscenza, lo scambio di idee, la messa in comune delle risorse, la sperimentazione di nuovi metodi e la co-creazione di nuove soluzioni in tutta Europa. Inoltre, COST sosterrà lo sviluppo di professionisti dei PED di nuova generazione, ricercatori precoci di carriera e professionisti esperti. Mobiliterà gli attori interessati da e in tutta Europa per contribuire collettivamente all'obiettivo di neutralità climatica a lungo termine.

Durata del progetto

09.2021 - 09.2024

WG1 (PED Mapping, Characterisation and Learning)

T1.1 Co-leadership

Danila LONGO (Dipartimento di Architettura DA)