Green Energy COmmunity

Codice progetto: TC_2.2.15_190736_P125-1A

Programma: EIT Climate-KIC

Call: 2019


GECO is a pilot Green Energy Community that experiment in Bologna, Piastro – Roveri district, the creation of a energy community, recently introduced by the EU Clean Energy Package (CEP). GECO intends to tackle all the socio, technical and economic aspects that contribute to the creation of the energy community, contributing to the CEP transposition into the national law framework, increasing the sustainability, reducing the energy poverty and generating a low carbon economy cycle, enabling it through the digitalization, data collection, smart optimization algorithms, blockchain technologies and Internet of Things (IoT).

The project seeks to experiment the newest smart solutions to maximize the energy self-consumption, the storage and the decentralized energy resources, increasing the flexibility through real-time monitoring, predictive analytics and automated response.

Those activities will be performed by the GECO entity, that will manage the energy community and also provides climate services to its members related to energy saving technical assistance, renewable energy plant design, stakeholder engagement, training, dissemination, and promotion of behavioural changes among the community stakeholders.

In the end, all local households and business members of the community will benefit from the GECO activities. It is expected that the synergies, frictions and disruptions arising from the smart energy community proposed will help to shape the neighbourhood and the Italian energy systems in the low carbon economy transition. The community will not only provide competitive clean energy prices, but also fight climate change, develop cooperation among neighbours and provide added-value to the local economy.

The project is carried out by AESS, ENEA, UNIBO, CAAB and Agenzia del Pilastro, with the support of Emilia Romagna Region, GSE, RSE, City of Bologna, Local Associations, Local Business and citizen.


Durata del progetto

09.2019 – 07.2022

Responsabile scientifico per il Dipartimento 

Danila LONGO


AESS Agenzia per L’energia a lo sviluppo sostenibile - Modena


Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (prof. Carlo Alberto NUCCI - DEI - Dipartimento capofila)

ENEA - Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile


Budget totale: Eur 2.466.403,00

Budget UNIBO: Eur 696.955,00

Docenti e ricercatori collegati al progetto

Andrea BOERI

Giovanni LEONI


Saveria Olga Murielle BOULANGER (Assegnista)

Martina MASSARI (Assegnista)

Giulia TURCI (Dottoranda)

Settore ERC del progetto

SH3_1 Ambiente, risorse e sostenibilità

SH3_2 Mutamento climatico e della società

SH3_11 Geografia sociale, infrastrutture

PE8_12 Progettazione sostenibile (per il riciclaggio, per l'ambiente, eco-design)

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