Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting | Programma di Finanziamento: Horizon 2020

Codice progetto: GA no. 945238

Programma di Finanziamento: Horizon 2020

Call: SC1-BHC-29-2020 -Innovative actions for improving urban health and wellbeing - addressing environment, climate and socioeconomic factors

A major, albeit underestimated, by-product of urbanization is the exponential increase of human exposure to artificial light. Outdoor illumination, artificial sky glow, domestic lighting, light-emitting screens, etc. entrain circadian clock.
Despite scientific evidences on the pathogenic role of circadian rhythms disruption in predisposing to NCDs, affecting sleep, metabolism, immune function and many aspects of behavior and mood, EU cities are mostly focusing on improving lighting services’ efficiency, reducing costs and emissions, but failing to consider lighting impacts on health and wellbeing. Through an open-online Urban Lighting and Health Atlas, ENLIGHTENme will collect and systematize existing data and good practices on urban lighting and will perform an accurate study on the correlations among health, wellbeing, lighting and socio-economic factors in 3 pilot cities -Amsterdam, Bologna and Tartu, where a target district will be selected due to its exposure to artificial light and to reflect social inequalities. Through the establishment of Lighting Urban Labs within the district, citizens and stakeholders will co-create innovative Lighting Urban Plans measures and define the implementation of a smart outdoor lighting system and indoor lighting changes in a pilot area within the district. There, a population-based study on elderly – addressed as a vulnerable group particularly prone to suffer circadian misalignment – will allow to assess lighting-dependent risks on mental and health conditions and surveys involving the overall district population and users will allow assess the impacts of urban lighting on quality of life and wellbeing.
The results will allow to develop a dedicated Decision Support System and guidelines and recommendation on the impact of lighting on health and wellbeing, proposing innovative lighting policies, measures, technologies and interventions aiming at improving citizens’ health and wellbeing in cities. ENLIGHTENme is a part of the European Cluster on Urban Health.

Durata del progetto: 03.2021-02.2025

Responsabile scientifico del progetto:  Simona Tondelli

Coordinatore: Dipartimento di Architettura e Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Partnership:  Gate 21, University of Tartu, Tartu City Government, LUCI Association, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (European Secretariat GmbH), Eurice - European Research and Project Office GmbH, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna - Department of Architecture and Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Bologna Local Health Care Trust - IRCCS The Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna, City of Bologna, Foundation for Urban Innovation, Health City Institute, Oengineering S.R.L., Neri S.p.A., TECNALIA Research and Innovation, Uppsala University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Chrono@Work, City of Amsterdam, Lumie, University of Surrey, London School of Economics and Political Science - Configuring Light Research Group and Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, Light and Health Research Center - Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai

Budget Totale: 4.999.908,75 €

Budget DA: 354.496,25 €

Docenti e ricercatori collegati al progetto: 

Elisa Conticelli
Claudia de Luca
Angela Santangelo

Personale non strutturato collegato al progetto: 

Giulia Marzani
Iuliia Kozlova

Settore ERC del progetto: SH2_2 Ageing, work, social policies SH2_13 Social studies of science and technology, S&T policies, science and society SH3_8 Urbanization and urban planning, cities LS2_9 Genetic epidemiology LS4_4 Ageing

Sito web del progetto: https://www.enlightenme-project.eu/

Altro: link al sito esterno del progetto: https://site.unibo.it/planningandregeneration/en/international-projects/enlightenme