Workshop Internazionale “Digital 3D Cultural Heritage. Exploring 3D-Modelling in Education, Documentation and Dissemination” organizzato dal progetto Erasmus+ CoVHer

  • Data: 09 settembre 2024 dalle 09:30 alle 19:00

  • Luogo: Porto, Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, Rua do Gólgota, 215, 4150-564, Portugal

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero previa iscrizione

La partecipazione (online o in presenza) è gratuita, ma è obbligatoria la registrazione preventiva, che può essere effettuata al seguente link:

The multiplier event is integrated with the 2nd International Workshop on Digital 3D Cultural Heritage. Exploring 3D-Modelling in Education, Documentation and Dissemination, organised by the Erasmus + project CoVHer - Computer-based Visualisation of Architectural Cultural Heritage. Attendance (online or in person) is free, but prior registration is mandatory and can be made at the following link:

09:30|10:00 Welcome session
João Pedro Xavier, FAUP Dean
Federico Fallavollita, CoVHer Coordinator
Clara Pimenta do Vale, Event Host
10:00|10:45 Keynote 1
Piotr Greiner
Sharing Knowledge about Architectural Cultural Heritage
(through PC games and VR)
11:00|11:30 Coffee Break
11:30|12:00 Selected Students Presentations
12:00|12:45 Keynote 2
Krzysztof Kkoszewski
Pics or… it did happen
13:00|14:15 Lunch Time
14:15|14:45 Selected Students Presentations
15:00|15:45 Keynote 3
Carlos Rebelo
Making Business Visual
16:00|16.30 Coffee Break (Finger food opening)
16:30|17:25 Keynote 4
Louis Vandenabeele
The Basilica of St Anthony in Padua: 800 years of transformations revealed through 3D reconstruction
17:30|18:15 Keynote 5
Eduardo Neves, Hugo Pires
Projecto Amazónia Revelada: Unveiling archaeological sites in the Amazon rainforest through airborne laser scanning and morphometric analysis.
18:30|19:00 Wrap-up and exhibition opening
19:00|21:00 Get together (food and drinks)

Financed by Erasmus+ - KA220 action, 'CoVHer: Computer-based Visualization of Architectural Cultural Heritage' is coordinated by Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita Di Bologna (Itália), with the participation of FAUP, Hochschule Mainz University Of Applied Sciences (Germany), Politechnika Warszawska (Poland), Universitat Autonoma De Barcelona (Spain), Tempesta Media Sl (Spain), e Interessengemeinschaft Für Semantische Datenverarbeitung E.V. (Germany). It aims to support digital capabilities of the higher education sector and stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices.