Commissions and committees
Commissions, committees and working groups appointed to coordinate the Department's institutional activities.
- Quality Assurance Commission
- Teaching Commission
- Third Mission Commission, Public Engagement, Relations with Local Authorities and Continuous Training
Commission for communication, orientation, website, editorial activities
Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee
The Department of Architecture has a Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee representing all of the Department's degree programmes.
The Commission consists of 10 members, equally divided between teachers and students, and is chaired by the Director, or the latter’s delegate.
The Joint Committee is tasked with availing of dedicated evaluation indicators in order to monitor the range of courses on offer, the quality of teaching and of student services, formulating opinions on the establishment, activation, modification and discontinuation of courses.
The Commission draws up an annual report on the teaching activities of the courses for which the Department is responsible.
The Commission has a three-year term of office.
Director: Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio
Teacher component
Lamberto Amistadi, Silvia Gasparotto, Vanessa Assumma, Saveria Olga Murielle Boulanger
Student component
Emily Ann Angelini, Matilde Gardini, Matteo L’Erario, Giulia Micaletto
Quality Assurance Commission
It constitutes the main interlocutor to whom the PQA refers to support the departmental quality assurance processes. It is responsible for overseeing the activities inherent to the departmental planning and self-evaluation processes, drafting the supporting documentation and ensuring its return to the Departmental Council.
- Prof. Fabrizio Apollonio (Director, Joint Committee President)
- Prof.ssa Elena Formia (Deputy Director)
- Prof.ssa Angela Santangelo (Research and Open Science Delegate)
- Prof. Luca Cipriani (Third Mission Delegate)
- Prof.ssa Cristina Gentilini (Internationalization Delegate)
- Prof. Matteo Cassani Simonetti (PhD Coordinator)
- Dott.ssa Paola Motetti (Head of Administration)
- Sig. Filippo Montevecchi (Representative of Degree Course students)
- Sig. Damiano Turchetti (Representative of Degree Course students)
Teaching Commission
Tasked with appointing roles held by departmental lecturers in order to fulfill institutional formalities for the appointment of the Interdepartmental Teaching Commission
- it prepares the Three-Year Teaching Plan
- it oversees the coordination of the Doctoral Course
- it coordinates the internationalisation of teaching
- it draws up the teaching self-evaluation report
- through the Delegate, it maintains relations with the Vice-Rector for Education, the Delegate for international training and new agreement initiations, and PQA-DID (the University Quality Assurance Presidium for teaching)
Delegate: Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio (Director)
Course Coordinators: Ernesto Antonini, Elena Formia, Elena Mucelli, Giorgia Predari
Phd Coordinator: Annalisa Trentin
Technical and administrative staff: Roberta Aguzzi
Interdepartmental Committee for Teaching
Delegate for Teaching: Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio
Deputy director: Elena Maria Formia
Deputy Delegate: Elena Mucelli
Uos Cesena Coordinator: Stefania Rössl
Uos Bologna Coordinator: Michele Zannoni
Research Commission
- it promotes research quality
- It performs planning functions for research activities, establishing a Three-Year Research Plan
- it performs monitoring functions on an annual basis
- it coordinates internationalisation of research, plus cultural, publishing and exhibition activities and communication
- through the Delegate, it maintains relations with the Vice-Rector for Research and the PQA-RIC (the University Quality Assurance Presidium for Research)
Research and Open Science Delegate: Angela Santangelo
Working Group members for the different areas:
SUA-RD Review, TM, Teaching (AVA3 Departmental): Fabrizio I. Apollonio (Director and Delegate for Teaching), Luca Cipriani (Third Mission), Annalisa Trentin (PHD), Vanessa Assumma (QPS), Claudia De Luca (IRIS-RM), Cristina Gentilini (Internationalisation), Paola Motetti (RAGD), Camilla Donati, Giuseppe Frau (Research Managers)
Doctoral Committee: Matteo Cassani Simonetti (PhD Coordinator), Giorgia Predari (PhD Vice-Coordinator), Pierpaolo Ascari (Delegato del Corso di Dottorato a pratiche e rapporti con i dottorandi), Federico Fallavollita (Procedures and Relations with Doctoral Students Delegate), Leila Signorelli (Procedures and Relations with Doctoral Students Delegate), Ernesto Antonini (Third mission and relations with companies PhD Delegate), Valentina Gianfrate (Third mission and relations with companies PhD Delegate), Annalisa Trentin (Internationalisation PhD Delegate), Angela Santangelo (Internationalisation PhD Delegate), Vanessa Assumma (Training activities and Website PhD Delegate), Lamberto Tronchin (Training activities and Website PhD Delegate)
VQR 2020-2024 contact: Angela Santangelo
VQR Working Group: Lamberto Amistadi, Matteo Cassani Simonetti, Giorgia Predari, Elisa Conticelli
Internationalisation Commission
- it defines the internationalisation strategy of the Department
- it analyses specific problems and proposes solutions, taking into account departmental strategy
- it assists the departmental delegate in the activation and management of practices relating to the activation of sector agreements and MoUs
- it activates coordinated actions to promote internationalisation activities
- it assists the departmental delegate in the management of internationalisation tutors
Delegate: Cristina Gentilini
First Cycle Degree Architetture-Engineering and Master’s Degree in Building Engineering-Architecture: Alessio Erioli
First Cycle Degree Industrial Design and Second Master’s Degree in Advanced Design: Andreas Sicklinger
Master’s Degree in Architecture and creative practices for the city and landscape: Jacopo Gaspari
Single-Cycle Master’s Degree in Architecture: Daniele Pascale Guidotti Magnani
UNAEuropa/ Self Steering Committee/Sustainability: Annarita Ferrante
Third Mission Commission, Public Engagement, Relations with Local Authorities and Continuous Training
- it works in tandem with the Research Commission for the optimisation of departmental research and activation of communication channels and networks with the third sector
- it liaises with the University Third Mission Quality Assurance Committee regarding the University Strategic Plan within Alma2021
- it coordinates cultural, publishing and exhibition activities and communication towards civil society
- in agreement with the Department's research laboratories, it activates working groups that can collaborate with the operational sites of Almaeclub, AlmaLabor, etc.
Delegate: Luca Cipriani
Companies, institutions and intership: Marco Alvise Bragadin, Valentina Gianfrate, Leila Signorelli
Professional orders: Ernesto Antonini
Local/campus authorities and public engagement: Stefania Rössl (CE), Cecilia Mazzoli (BO), Angela Santangelo (OS)
Foundations: Maura Savini
Superintendencies: Andrea Ugolini
Commission for communication, orientation, website, editorial activities
- It coordinates the activities and manages the communication tools of the Department of Architecture (website and social media)
- It liaises with the Communication contact persons of the degree courses and doctoral programme, as well as with the contact persons of orientation, internships and publishing activities to synchronise action and communication formats
- It works in tandem with the teaching, research, third mission and internationalisation commissions of the Department of Architecture for the optimisation of initiatives in the various communication channels
Delegate: Cecilia Mazzoli
Courses Communication: Elena Maria Formia, Giorgia Predari, Stefania Rössl, Leila Signorelli
Technical support: Giulio Bruno, Sara Putzolu
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission
- Through the Delegate, it maintains relations with the Magnificent Rector's Delegate for equity, inclusion and diversity
- It promotes and coordinates information and awareness-raising activities on issues of gender, respect and protection of the individual, equity, diversity and inclusion
Delegate: Valentina Gianfrate
First Cycle Degree Architetture-Engineering and Master’s Degree in Building Engineering-Architecture: Cecilia Mazzoli
First Cycle Degree Industrial Design and Second Master’s Degree in Advanced Design: Valentina Gianfrate
Master’s Degree in Architecture and creative practices for the city and landscape: Beatrice Turillazzi
Single-Cycle Master’s Degree in Architecture: Andrea Ugolini