Administrative services

Head of Administration 

The head of administration collaborates with the Departmental Director in order to ensure the smooth running of the Department and the achievement of the set objectives, in line with the general guidelines identified by the University. On a technical level, they prepare the budget and financial statement, as well as the statement of assets and liabilities. 
They support departmental bodies in accordance with the regulations in force concerning accounting and the organisation of services, and act as secretary to the Department Board and Council. They guarantee the proper execution of the administrative, fiscal and accounting activities of the department, ensuring procedural control and the legitimacy of the acts and procedures adopted. They coordinate the administrative services of the Department.


Deputy Head of Administration


Administrative Services - activities and contact persons 

Budget management, active and passive invoicing and inventory services 

The service is responsible for the accounting management of draft budgets, budget variations, transfers to other University departments, collections and payments and petty cash. The service also handles the inventory management of the department's assets.


Purchasing of goods and services 

The service deals with purchasing procedures for goods and services, supporting teaching staff in the completion of relevant paperwork. Purchasing procedures are carried out on the various platforms available, with suppliers contacted, for purchases up to a maximum value of EUR 140,000.00, both for free funds and projects subject to reporting.



Contracts for external personnel

Research grants

The service supports lecturers in applying for calls for research grants. Grants are awarded for research activities to be performed within the framework of a specific research project, the implementation of which is linked to the activation of the grant itself, under the supervision of a scientific supervisor.

Tutors must upload the relevant request by accessing the University application via the following link:

Activating and managing research grants 

Scholarships for postgraduate research activities 

The service supports lecturers in their application procedures for postgraduate scholarships. Institution requests, made by completing the relevant form, must specify the amount of the scholarship (gross of charges to be paid by the institution) and the relevant payment methods, the admission requirements, the selection and ranking criteria, the subject of the study activity and its duration, the appointment of the tutor, the composition of the Selection Committee.  
Interested lecturers and researchers must submit the following online application .

Active competitions can be viewed on the page  Current calls

Collaboration contracts 

The service supports lecturers in their requests for activation of selection procedures (pursuant to Art. 2222 et seq. of the Civil Code and Art. 7 of Legislative Decree No. 165/2001 and subsequent amendments and additions) for the awarding of: non-occasional self-employed work contracts; occasional self-employed work contracts; ongoing freelance contracts with VAT-registered professionals. 

The service provides a downloadable form to be completed for submitting requests to the office.  

Active calls for tenders can be viewed at 

Seminars, conferences, workshops 

This service is responsible for managing the procedure for the awarding of occasional service contracts to external parties in the context of events such as seminars, conferences and workshops organised by lecturers. 

Requests must be made by completing and signing the downloadable form, to be returned by e-mail together with the documents indicated. 


Missions and intra-university mobility


A mission is defined as the performance of a work activity by staff outside their normal place of employment, either in Italy or abroad, for institutional purposes.

Regulations and forms (excluding those in the documents section of this page) on the missions on the University Intranet


A secondment refers to the travel of personnel with non-employee relationships (external personnel: temporary research associates, PhD students and research fellows) 

Requests for missions/secondments should be submitted in the application Web Missions at least three to four days before the start of the activities. Once the mission/transfer has been completed, the application must be accessed again, entering the expenses incurred and attaching the expenditure documentation.

Intra-university mobility

Intra-university mobility concerns travel between one's place of employment and the offices and university sites of the multicampus, for the performance of teaching, political and administrative activities of the university provided that they require the use of a means of transport. 

For regulations on missions, secondments and intra-university mobility, please refer to the Regulations and Mission Guidelines on the University Intranet 


Competitive research projects

The service oversees procedures relating to the design, launch and management of competitive research projects, research agreements and ACTs, as well as the organisation of events that by their nature include relationships and agreements with companies and other external institutions.  

  • Promotion of opportunities at regional, national and European level; 
  • Support for planning-related procedures; 
  • Supporting implementation and negotiation; 
  • Monitoring of projects during the implementation phase, management of competitive research projects, and management and reporting; 
  • Supporting the team and secretariat in the event of audits by funding bodies; 
  • coordination with the central administration with respect to guidelines and for management of cross-cutting issues (e.g. open access, privacy, code of ethics, DMP); 

The service supports the teaching staff in the various phases of the research project lifecycle, ensuring constant oversight ranging from preliminary investigations to the dissemination of results. Acting as a liaison between the central offices and the department, the research managers ensure proper implementation of national and international research projects, handling both the financial aspects of management and reporting, as well as cross-cutting issues concerning ethics, open science, privacy and intellectual property.  


General affairs and contractual activity 

- Supporting the definition of guidelines on working hours and the recording of attendance and absence of technical-administrative staff; 

- Collaboration with the head of administration and the director of the department in the preparation of Department Board and Council files, and decrees issued by the Director;

- Supporting the teaching staff in relation to commissioned research and consultancy contracts, ensuring the proper management of intellectual property linked to the implementation of contracts, the preparation of deeds and documentation functional to the conclusion of agreements, memoranda, receipt of donations, gratuities and acts functional to the implementation of research and experimentation activities in the Department.

-Supporting the negotiation and conclusion of agreements and contracts with public and private entities, publishing contracts, donations; management of practices relating to the authorisation of educational outings; management of support for Departmental bodies: electoral procedures, calendar management, agendas, minutes, extracts. 


Supporting teaching

The service supports the Department Director, course coordinators and the Joint Committee in all phases of planning, programming and evaluation of teaching and teaching support activities (changes to courses offered, teaching plan forecast, teaching load of lecturers, support for the implementation of conventions and Protocols for teaching and international mobility, annual and cyclical review reports, updating of non-RAD (University Teaching Regulations) sections of the course annual assessment form (SUA-CdS), management of the educational pathway and right to study, orientation activities, updating of course web pages), organisation, management and administrative support for admission tests, Postgraduate: support for State Examination Commission


General technical services

Reception service and internal and external mail.


Departmental patronage requests

Patronage can only be requested for non-profit initiatives that are in line within the University's institutional aims, such as, for example, conventions, congresses, conferences, seminars, dissemination activities, awareness-raising campaigns, publication of editorial and multimedia products, in the cultural, scientific, social and sporting fields.

The granting of patronage entails the possibility of using the department's trademark together with the wording "with the patronage of the Department of Architecture - Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna".

Requests for patronage should be addressed to by completing the attached form.

Patronage does not imply that the department or University will provide funding for the initiative, nor that it will offer organisational or logistical support for its execution, nor that it will promote the initiative through its official channels.
