SiLab Fabrication

Modelling and fabrication of project artefacts and components

The Laboratory provides support for the teaching activities of the degree courses offered by the DA and the PhD programme in Architecture and Design Cultures; it also supports the research work of lecturers, and activities promoted by the DA in the context of the third mission/third-party contracting. 


Bologna, via Saragozza, 8; ground floor 

Accessible spaces

no. 4 sections 'Light', 'Heavy', 'Special machines', 'Digital Prototying' (129.17 m2) 


no. 1 Cielle LaserCutter model LASERVLS6.60, no. 1 NEW WHISPER VX 254 air compressor, no. 1 Klic-N-Kut MAXX 24 inch cutting plotter, no. 1 Proxxon DSH jig saw, no. 2 Proxxon Thermocut hot wire cutters, no. 1 Proxxon TG 250/E grinder, no. 1 MICROMOT 50/EF milling drill, no. 1 KT 150 compound table, Proxxon BFB 2000 stand, No. 1 Proxxon BFW 40/E mill/drill system, No. 1 FDM delta 3D printer - WASP 4070, No. 1 FDM Cartesian 3D printer - FlashForge Guider IIs, No. 2 DeWalt drill driver - with accessories, No. 1 Jig saw, No. 1 Hammer bandsaw - N3800, No. 1 FLOW A3 DESK thermoforming machine, No. 1 Felder RL125 clean air dust extractor 

Maximum number of users for the Light Laboratory

no. 25 stations;

Maximum number of users for the Heavy Laboratory

no. 5 stations;

Maximum number of users for the Special Machines Laboratory

no. 2 stations;

Maximum number of users for the Digital Prototying Laboratory

no. 5 stations 

Access mode

Access granted to lecturers, students and undergraduates of the DA (Bologna campus) subject to authorisation by the technical staff 

Activity performed

Computerised representation of architecture; acquisition and processing of 3D data; acquisition and processing of planar images 

Type of activity

Teaching, research, third-party contracting for public and private entities 

Laboratory opening hours

Opening hours

9.30 am – 1 pm

2 pm – 17 pm

Project head

Fabrizio Apollonio

Michele Zannoni