The Laboratory provides support for the teaching activities of the degree courses offered by the DA and the PhD programme in Architecture and Design Cultures; it also supports the research work of lecturers, and activities promoted by the DA in the context of the third mission/third-party contracting.
Bologna, via Saragozza, 8; ground floor
Accessible spaces
no. 4 sections 'Light', 'Heavy', 'Special machines', 'Digital Prototying' (129.17 m2)
no. 1 Cielle LaserCutter model LASERVLS6.60, no. 1 NEW WHISPER VX 254 air compressor, no. 1 Klic-N-Kut MAXX 24 inch cutting plotter, no. 1 Proxxon DSH jig saw, no. 2 Proxxon Thermocut hot wire cutters, no. 1 Proxxon TG 250/E grinder, no. 1 MICROMOT 50/EF milling drill, no. 1 KT 150 compound table, Proxxon BFB 2000 stand, No. 1 Proxxon BFW 40/E mill/drill system, No. 1 FDM delta 3D printer - WASP 4070, No. 1 FDM Cartesian 3D printer - FlashForge Guider IIs, No. 2 DeWalt drill driver - with accessories, No. 1 Jig saw, No. 1 Hammer bandsaw - N3800, No. 1 FLOW A3 DESK thermoforming machine, No. 1 Felder RL125 clean air dust extractor
Maximum number of users for the Light Laboratory
no. 25 stations;
Maximum number of users for the Heavy Laboratory
no. 5 stations;
Maximum number of users for the Special Machines Laboratory
no. 2 stations;
Maximum number of users for the Digital Prototying Laboratory
no. 5 stations
Access mode
Access granted to lecturers, students and undergraduates of the DA (Bologna campus) subject to authorisation by the technical staff
Activity performed
Computerised representation of architecture; acquisition and processing of 3D data; acquisition and processing of planar images
Type of activity
Teaching, research, third-party contracting for public and private entities
Laboratory opening hours
Opening hours
9.30 am – 1 pm
2 pm – 17 pm
Project head
Fabrizio Apollonio
Michele Zannoni