Silab GIS

Information Systems for Environmental Conservation

The Laboratory provides support for the teaching activities of the degree courses offered by the DA and the PhD programme in Architecture and Design Cultures; it also supports the research work of lecturers, and activities promoted by the DA in the context of the third mission/third-party contracting. 


Bologna, via Saragozza, 8; first floor 

Accessible spaces

no. 1 equipped room (38 m2) 


No. 1 DELL Precision T5810 workstation; ArcGIS Enterprise Advanced licence: Arcgis Desktop, City Engine (ESRI); Quantum Gis; OSGeo4W; Grass Gis; Mapserver; Postgres/Postgis 

Maximum number of users

no. 5 stations 

Access mode

Access granted to lecturers, students and undergraduates of the DA (Bologna campus) subject to authorisation by the technical staff 

Activity performed

Territorial Information Systems with a focus on georeferenced content; development and use of WebGIS tools for the dissemination and sharing of cartography and models for landscape and environmental analysis (e.g. river basins) 

Type of activity

Teaching, research, third-party contracting for public and private entities 

Research areas

Cultural Heritage & Living Heritage; Urban Design

Project head

Fabrizio Apollonio