Integrated technologies for Smart buildings and PREdictive maintenance

Project code: -

Programme: Regione Emilia-Romagna POR-FESR 2014-2020

Call: POR-FESR 2014-2020

The construction industry has long recognized maintenance as a strategic function for the development of the supply chain aimed at reducing intervention costs, improving efficiency, and increasing the lifecycle of the built environment. Diagnostics and monitoring are tools that, when integrated, prove more effective in observing the behavior and conservation status of built resources. However, these technologies are still underutilized and scarcely adopted within the supply chain; furthermore, only the most up-to-date companies in the value chain use solutions for monitoring normal behavior, primarily in critical operational conditions, if not in emergencies. The commonly adopted monitoring systems focus on a few discrete parameters, and their ability to detect a full range of potential issues is limited.

The InSPiRE project aims to implement enabling technologies integrated with building components and systems for monitoring, including in real-time, performance parameters (e.g., energy, structural, environmental health, and indoor comfort). The result is an integrated tool for assessing the state of degradation of structures and supporting decision-making for predictive maintenance activities and the management of existing built heritage. This includes the implementation of a real-time collaborative monitoring platform based on a network of remote sensors and an innovative system architecture aimed at monitoring the conservation status of built heritage. Additionally, a modular diagnostic imaging platform will be implemented to integrate with the monitoring platform, capable of promptly identifying damage and ensuring the sharing of images and reports.

In the medium term, the impact of these results will contribute to the reduction of maintenance intervention costs and the efficient management of resources, thus promoting the extended lifecycle of existing built heritage, improving accessibility, and in the long term, enhancing the quality of life.

Project duration 


Scientific project head for the Department 

CIRI Edilizia e Costruzioni (Claudio MAZZOTTI e Ernesto ANTONINI)


Laboratorio TekneHub (Marcello Balzani)


Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca e per i Servizi delle Costruzioni e del Territorio – CRICT

Fondazione FLAMINIA – Centro per l’innovazione

CNR - ISTEC-Istituto di scienza e tecnologia dei materiali ceramici -

Finsoft S.r.l.

Fassa S.r.l.

Giancarlo Maselli S.r.l.


ACER “Promos” – Programma di Manutenzione Ordinaria e Straordinaria S.p.a.

ACER Azienda Casa Emilia-Romagna provincia di Bologna 

Total Budget: 799.902,13 Euros

DA Budget: 120.000,00 Euros

Lecturers and researchers connected to the project 



Danila LONGO

Vincenzo VODOLA

ERC sector project

OS2 - Manutenzione predittiva, preventiva e programmata per la conservazione, il recupero e il restauro