Energy Citizenship in Action: From (and with) students to the city and the territory

Project code: -

Programme: Alma Idea - Università di Bologna

Call: lma Idea 2022 Linea B2 (ricerca in ambito sostenibilità)

EN-ACTION aims to analyze the conditions and enabling factors for the creation and evolution of so-called energy citizenship, towards a more sustainable future and a just transition process, without exclusions or imbalances.

The goal of the project is to generate knowledge and raise awareness on energy-related issues, initiating processes of sensitization and engagement starting from the university community at the Cesena Campus. This exemplary and inspiring methodological approach aims to engage the entire citizenship, contributing, in the medium term, to the achievement of the energy and environmental objectives defined by the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) that the city adopted in 2019.

The EN-ACTION project, positioned within an already highly sensitive and open university context regarding climate transition and sustainability, focuses on the Cesena Campus. It develops guidelines based on an analysis and mapping of other European case studies, aimed at defining the enabling factors and processes for the creation of energy citizenship among students and faculty. It also seeks to inspire the local community and businesses surrounding the campus, with a view to scalability across the entire urban area.

The results of the project will be made available to the campus governance and the Municipality to support and guide future decisions on energy and climate issues and to encourage the establishment of energy communities within the city of Cesena.

Project duration 

07.2022 – 12.2023

Scientific project head for the Department 


Research Group Members

Carlo Alberto NUCCI (Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi")

Gabriele MANELLA (Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia)


Comune di Cesena

Consulta per l'Ambiente del Comune di Cesena

Presidenza del Consiglio di Campus

Associazione studentesca del Campus

Total Budget: 24.000,00 Euros

DA Budget:  24.000,00 Euros

Lecturers and researchers connected to the project 

Andrea BOERI

Danila LONGO

Carlotta TRIPPA (Assegnista di Ricerca)

ERC sector project

SH2_7 Political systems and institutions, governance

SH3_2 Environmental change and society

PE8_6 Energy systems (production, distribution, application)

PE8_12 Sustainable design (for recycling, for environment, eco-design)